Leverage Expertise from a UKG Partner You Trust

Unlock UKG Pro with the help of dedicated experts who will optimize your system and keep you on the cutting edge. HRMS offers timely UKG Pro customer assistance based on years of experience, execution, and responsive service.

We’re the Answer to Your UKG Pro Suite Challenges

You want to focus on getting the most from your UKG solution to support your people management goals and objectives.  That’s not always easy to accomplish with daily responsibilities, interruptions, and inevitable emergencies getting in the way. HRMS fills the gaps with the time and talent to maximize your investment, so you can focus on what’s important – your people. 

End-to-End Guidance for Your UKG Solutions

Worried your UKG system won't get up & running quickly or correctly?

Launch Implementation

Implement your UKG solution right the first time, on time and on budget. Make the most of your initial investment and increase organizational adoption.

Concerned you don't possess the knowledge or resources to implement your UKG system correctly?

Client-Side Support

Designed to advise, guide, and support new customers in a successful launch, we bring practitioner-level experience, industry expertise, and a proven implementation approach.

Not fully understanding what is possible in UKG? Underutilizing your system?

Post Live

Your UKG implementation goes beyond go-live. Unlock more value with services that boost usage, optimize your system, and drive workforce adoption.

Looking for ongoing guidance to get the most value out of your UKG Pro investment?

Premier Services

Dedicated resources focus on your post live needs. They’ll be your one-stop shop for all things UKG, helping you continuously improve and maximize user adoption. This ensures you get the most value out of your UKG investment.

Want experienced UKG payroll resources to manage your payroll? Lost your payroll specialist and payroll's just around the corner?

Managed Payroll

Our certified payroll experts maintain your payroll cycles and schedules, adapt to your organizational needs, offer step-by-step account management, and even bear the burden of payroll administration from start to finish.

New to your organization's UKG system, or to UKG in general? Reporting have you flustered?

Supplemental Services

If you’ve never used UKG, or you weren’t involved in the UKG implementation until now, HRMS’ supplemental services are here for you. Assess your system’s health, get up to speed on where you’re at, plan where you want to go, further your reporting abilities and more.

Unlock the Full Potential of UKG with the Experience and Expertise of an Exclusive UKG Certified Partner

There is a big difference between those familiar with the UKG Pro suite, those trained as certified partners, and those firms servicing UKG exclusively. Being an exclusive HCM implementation partner has allowed HRMS to develop a team with an incredibly deep understanding of the UKG platform, its breadth and scope of capabilities, and all its intricacies. With our sole focus on UKG, the concentrated expertise of our team ensures that clients receive the highest level of support and service in tailoring the UKG experience for your organization.


Our fully trained experts are certified in all UKG Pro® services. By analyzing your current status and what features, functionality, and integrations will boost your current setup, we can provide timely support for all your needs.  


You’ve invested in UKG Pro to ensure that your company meets ever-changing Human Resources demands. Utilize all the UKG solutions available and save on costs by collaborating with HRMS. We can handle the problems you don’t have time to solve.


If project questions or testing issues arise when streamlining or automating your core processes, HRMS will communicate with your team immediately. Following best practices in payroll, benefits, time tracking, etc., is critical to the success of any organization. 


Protecting your company and employee data is key to any software implementation. Our trained experts can help set up security roles and access within the UKG Pro Suite, so your team can mitigate risk.

Frequently Asked Questions


HRMS can get to your projects quickly, at whatever phase you’re at with your UKG implementation. As an award-winning, certified and exclusive partner with over 600 combined years of UKG experience and over 575 customers, we’ll help you rapidly, thoroughly and successfully complete your UKG projects. We have the expertise and experience to support all aspects of your UKG Pro Suite solution.

There are three main reasons why HRMS is your ideal services partner for your UKG implementation needs:

  • Deeper UKG Expertise – Our consultants and project managers are more than just UKG certified. They possess a broader and deeper knowledge base honed by real-world experience using and implementing UKG products across various industries. Through collaboration and deep subject matter knowledge, our team ensures a solution perfectly aligned with your specific requirements.
  • Faster Time to Engagement and Value – HRMS delivers a quicker path to project initiation and user adoption. We minimize the time between project kickoff and your team leveraging UKG, accelerating your organization’s return on investment.
  • Unmatched Responsiveness – With a deep bench of experienced consultants, the HRMS team addresses your needs promptly and efficiently. We are your UKG champions, bridging the gap with clear communication minimizing confusion, ensuring you get the most out of your UKG solution, and seeing results quickly.

Launch Services

Launching UKG successfully requires expertise and planning, which your team may not currently have the time, knowledge or resources to devote to your project. As Certified UKG Implementation Partner, HRMS has a team of practiced UKG experts whose sole focus is in successfully deploying the entire UKG Pro Suite.

HRMS offers personalized and focused support to maximize the potential of your UKG solution while minimizing disruption to your team’s normal operations. Throughout your implementation, HRMS works closely with you to understand your needs and configure UKG to your processes and your organization’s objectives. We also educate and train your team as your Launch progresses to ensure a smooth transition and high user adoption at go-live.

The duration of an implementation varies depending on the size of your organization, the specific UKG Pro Suite products you are implementing, and the complexity of your requirements. Typically, UKG Launch aims to have your solutions up and running within 24 weeks.

To lay a strong foundation, preparation is key. By being proactive, you’ll be well-positioned for Launch success:

  • Ensure you have a clear understanding of what organizational needs will be impacted, and what business challenges you’ll address in using UKG. These may have changed during your HCM search and evaluation.
  • Gather all relevant data from any of your current systems and resources. Evaluate and organize these to aid in a clean transition.
  • Assemble your internal implementation team and set clear goals and expectations for the project tasks and responsibilities. The team should include key stakeholders from HR, payroll, IT and other impacted departments.

We also put together a blog titled “10 Recommendations to Prepare For Your HCM Implementation“.

You’ll need involvement from several key groups in your organization to ensure a successful UKG implementation:

  • Key Stakeholders- This includes HR and payroll leaders, as well as functional managers from departments impacted by deploying UKG (e.g., time and attendance, benefits, talent management). Their input is crucial for understanding your business needs and configuring the system most effectively.
  • IT Staff- IT involvement is essential for system integration, data migration, and ongoing technical support.
  • Project Manager or Lead- A dedicated project manager on your team helps facilitate communication, manage decisions, and keep the project on track.
  • Executive Sponsor- An executive sponsor provides high-level support, removes hurdles, and ensures the project stays relevant and well-resourced throughout its lifecycle.

By involving these key players from the start, you’ll ensure a smooth implementation that meets your organization’s specific needs.

Adding modules mid-Launch requires adjustments, but HRMS can help you navigate the addition smoothly. Inform your HRMS Project Manager. They’ll collaborate with both our internal team and UKG resources to update your project scope with an addendum. This may involve revising schedules, and potentially your go live dates, to accommodate the additional modules. Our goal is to ensure a successful implementation, even with these changes.

After your go-live date, HRMS is still there for you with our Post Go-Live, Premier and Managed Payroll services.

Additionally, UKG provides ongoing support through their customer service team. Thought UKG you will have access to online resources, community forums, and periodic updates to ensure optimal use of the system.

Ready to Optimize Your UKG Experience?

We are an exclusive UKG partner offering premier implementation services. Our personalized project implementation services are tailored to your specific needs and optimizing your UKG experience. No other company services the UKG enterprise and mid-market with a premier service approach by an experienced team of certified consultants who believe in delivering exceptional service.

HRMS believes in delivering every UKG Pro client’s implementation right the first time. We work side-by-side with you and your team to deliver an exceptional experience and ensure successful project outcomes. Discover how we can help you transform your workforce using UKG.

Get UKG Pro Suite Assistance Today!

Unleash the full potential and bring on the HRMS team to support your UKG Pro services journey from the start. Request a personalized assessment to take the first step to maximizing your UKG investment.